Colin_knows_best_2So….this "horse" that Colin brings home from "school" yesterday….

Mom: "Oh I LOVE your horse Colin!  Did you make this at school today?"

Colin:  "What horse?"

Mom:  "The one that your teacher had in your basket….here let me find it!"

Colin:  "That?  That's not a horse (said in his most disgusted way) that's a handprint!!

Well, I thought it was cute anyway.  Colin is so honest sometimes.  I guess pretty much all kids are, aren't they?  Here I was so proud of his art and imagination and he thought I was a dingbat. 

Then, this morning, he comes into my office with all these stickers all over his face.  He got them from his "chart" in his bathroom and was so pleased at how silly he looked.  Funny and endearing is more like it….

So…there it is for today!  Happy Wednesday everyone!