Artist Bethany Fields


Did you notice?  I have a new resources section here on the blog!  I get numerous emails and comments on my Youtube channel daily asking for the specific materials I recommend.  Making a resources page has been high on my “to-do” list but it seems things always got in the way.  I worked on it this past week and am excited to share my favorite tried and true supplies with you.  These are all materials I own and love and none are sponsored in any way.  Keep in mind all of these products were discovered in an experimental fashion to find how they best work for me.  Finding the supplies you love is a journey of discovery (albeit a fun one!).


In the next several weeks I’ll be adding a section on photographic/video equipment I also use. Having worked in this field for over 15 years, I have lots of information to share about the tools I’ve learned to use.  With the addition of my Youtube channel, I am learning and having fun utilizing the video side of my equipment.  Stay tuned!

Today on my Q&A session, I shared some insight into the differences between calling something a pastel painting vs. a pastel drawing.  I also shared some information about why I call my paintings strictly “pastels” when I am using other mediums (especially in the underpainting process).  You can watch it here:

I hope you guys are all having a wonderful day.  It’s been a busy several weeks here and I am looking forward to having some time in front of the easel today.  I have a nice blank sheet staring at me.  Funny, I used to dread looking at it, scared of that white grin.  Now, I love seeing it as a page to be filled.  Expectant and ready for possibility.

As always, if you are interested in my mentoring/consulting, please check out this page and email me.

