Oh I can't wait!  He is coming home today!  It has been a long and yet extremely short week…. Chuga has been sick (go away stomach bug), I've stayed up way too late checking and checking and then re-checking to see if any of the team members have posted updates or photos or videos.  I have eaten way too much food and am waiting on my love.  Today when I was doing laundry (does it ever end???!!!) I found myself lovingly hanging up his shirts. I don't normally lovingly hang up *anything * as this is my least favorite part of laundering.  I've already sorted, washed and folded – please can someone else put the clothes away?  But today was different. I just took the time to enjoy my little task.  Praying for him and the team, knowing the week they've had and being amazed at God's goodness.  We are so, so blessed.    

Back to the shirts….

They are soft and worn (check out the loose threads on that blue one – and the green Jake shirt he wears allllll the time).  Gee….did you know that I love my man?  "Cause I do.  So much.


(For the record, I always wrinkle my nose when he puts on the burnt orange shirt at far right.  It's no muy bueno. (or in this case…mai kahi)  It was gifted to him in Hawaii and is a pretty cool Aloha shirt when you're in Hawaii.  But here it's a bit out there.  Don't get me wrong, he has other Aloha shirts that he wears all the time.  This one?  Not if I can help it.)  

Edited:  Wow, those are soooooome bright electric blue links! Weird – normally they're a pretty pink.  *shrug*